When studying in your best IELTS online course review, your knowledge of words must constantly be improving. Since in the future, you would be encountering and engaging with native English speakers.

Words are the currency of communication. It is essential to regularly develop your vocabulary because it does not only help your speaking skills but all areas of your communication such as listening, reading, and writing. To help you increase your vocabulary, here are some words that can help you.

JRooz Online Review : A – G Vocabulary words | JRooz Online

Aberration (n.)
- something that differs from the norm
Abhor (v.)
- to hate, despise 
Acquiesce (v.)
- to agree without complaining 
Alacrity (n.)
- eagerness, cheerful readiness
Amiable (adj.)
- friendly, sociable 
Arcane (adj.)
- a secret, known by a few
Brazen (adj.)
- bold, brash, and clear
Brusque (adj.)
- short and dismissive
Cajole (v.)
- to urge, persuade 

Come and join us at the best IELTS online course review! This is an example of cajoling.

Callous (adj.)
- harsh, cold, and hard-hearted 
Candor (n.)
- honesty and frankness
Charisma (n.)
- personal attractiveness, charm
Chide (v.)
- to voice disapproval 
Cloying (adj.)
- overly sweet
Coherent (adj.)
- intelligent and logical 
Complacency (n.)
- self- satisfied ignorance of danger
Confidant (n.)
- someone who is entrusted with secrets
Debase (v.)
- lowers quality or esteem of something
Deferential (adj.)
- showing respect to one’s authority
Demure (adj.)
- quiet, modest and reserved
Deride (v.)
- laugh mockingly or scorn
Despot (n.)
- one who rules brutally with the use of his power
Dichotomy (n.)
- two groups which contradict to each other
Elan (n.)
- vigorous spirit or enthusiasm
Elated (adj.)
- feeling overjoy, thrill

*We would feel elated if you would come and enroll at JRooz Online review center.

Eloquent (adj.)
- expressive, articulate, moving
Empathy (n.)
- sensitivity to another’s feelings and treating as if it was your own
Enmity (n.)
- mutual hatred
Equanimity (n.)
- the steadiness of mind under stress
Equivocate (v.)
- ambiguous and unclear
Esoteric (adj.)
- understood only by a small group
Extol (v.)
- to praise and admire 
Fabricate (v.)
- to create or invent something
Fastidious (adj.)
- demanding too much care
Feral (adj.)
- wild and savage
Fiasco (n.)
- a complete failure or breakdown 
Finagle (v.)
- achieving something through deceit 
Flabbergasted (adj.)
- astounded, showing extreme shock 
Fractious (adj.)
- troublesome and short-tempered
Furtive (adj. )
- cunning and secretive
Gluttony (n.)
- overeating and drinking
Gratuitous (adj.)
- uncalled for and unjustified
Gregarious (adj.)
- sociable enjoys the company of others

The more words you know and understand, the more you can use in your review. If you are not yet enrolled at any review centers, come and join us at JRooz Online Review.

Read more: JRooz Online Review Tips: Vocabulary Words H to Z


“100 Words to Impress an Examiner.” World-English. Accessed on September 18, 2019. Accessed from http://www.world-english.org/improve_vocabulary.htm

“100 Words to Make You Sound Smart.” Vocabulary. Accessed on September 18, 2019. Accessed from https://www.vocabulary.com/lists/258109

“What Are Some Great Words That’ll Make a Wonderful Contribution to Your Vocabulary.” Quora. Accessed on September 18, 2019. Accessed from https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-great-words-thatll-make-a-wonderful-contribution-to-your-vocabulary