Let’s face it: Staying focused on one’s studies is not the easiest of tasks. Study distractions are everywhere these days, and they’re either unavoidable or extremely difficult to resist. If you have a hard time progressing in your IELTS training due to distractions, then this article can help you out!

IELTS UKVI review center

Here are some of the most common study distractions today and the best ways to avoid or get rid of them. 

1. Your Mobile Phone
Your mobile phone definitely deserves its spot as the top study distraction in this article—and you probably know why.

Having the entire Internet at your fingertips is both a blessing and a curse, especially if you’re big on social media and mobile gaming. There’s the temptation to check for messages and notification every time you hear your phone chime. And, let’s be honest. Once you fold and open an app, it’ll be very hard to return to your IELTS training.

How to avoid/get rid of it: Put your phone on silent mode and keep it out of your sight. If you can’t stand being away from your phone, ask a friend to hide it or keep it for you.

2. Your Housemates
Studying while your housemates are noisy in the next (or the same!) room is not easy.

Imagine trying to review your IELTS UKVI review center materials while children play and throw tantrums nearby, your housemates are throwing another party downstairs, or your spouse/partner vies for your attention. While not all of these scenarios are unwelcome, all of them can definitely derail your study efforts.

How to avoid/get rid of it: Let your housemates know of your test preparations. If the people you share space with cares about you, they’ll understand and adjust to accommodate your needs accordingly. Otherwise, consider taking your review efforts outside of your home.

3. Your Physical Needs  
Did you know that your body can derail your IELTS review just as effectively as any other study distraction? Hunger, thirst, drowsiness, and physical discomfort reduces your concentration and retention. Bathroom breaks are also study distractions—not because they can affect your mental faculties, but because they can derail your study focus.

How to avoid/get rid of it: Attend to and anticipate your physical needs. Take a nap, eat a light but filling meal, and use the bathroom before your study session. Keep a water bottle near you at all times.

4. Your Other Commitments
Are you currently employed? Still studying in high school or college? If so, then you know how it can sometimes get in the way of your IELTS preparations.

There will be days when you’ll be so tired or drained from work/school that you won’t be able to focus on your test review. Just like there will be days when you have to set aside your IELTS training to accomplish take-home work. Among the distractions in this list, this is the one that’s trickiest to deal with. You can’t exactly ignore your commitments for your exam prep.

How to avoid/get rid of it: Know your schedule and priorities. Create a timetable, at least for the duration of your IELTS training period, and plot out the things you need to. During your IELTS study sessions, clear your desk of anything related to your other commitments. Focus on your test review only.

Don’t let any of these things interfere with your test preparations. Take active measures to avoid them so you can focus on your exam review. Want to learn more tips and tricks to supercharge your training? Enroll in the nearest JRooz IELTS UKVI review center in your area!

"7 Study Distractions and How Best to Escape Them." 4Tests.com. September 27, 2015. Accessed May 29, 2018. https://blog.4tests.com/7-study-distractions-and-how-best-to-escape-them/.

"How to Overcome Distractions When It’s Time To Study." Personal Excellence. October 01, 2017. Accessed May 29, 2018. https://personalexcellence.co/blog/overcome-study-distractions/.

"Ready? Set? Concentrate!" Academic Success Center. October 27, 2016. Accessed May 29, 2018. http://success.oregonstate.edu/learning/ready-set-concentrate.

Roell, Kelly. "10 Study Distractions You Should Avoid." ThoughtCo. Accessed May 29, 2018. https://www.thoughtco.com/external-internal-study-distractions-3211505.