Do you want to know the secret behind the success of IELTS achievers? Simple. They invested time and effort at the IELTSreview Philippines, instead of letting themselves drown in myths and test anxiety.

What are myths?

Myths are traditional stories that are widely held by many individuals. They aim to unfold parts of world or situation views. They are well-known stories that explain how things happen. In the case of the IELTS review Philippines, it is inevitable to encounter myths. The challenge is how not to let these myths affect your training performance.


Myths are harmless. However, they can be detrimental to your exam performance even if you enroll in the best IELTS reviewcenter. Here are some reasons.
·         Believing in myths may force you to believe in things that are not necessary for achieving your exam success.

·         Myths can lure you and make you believe in false things.
·         Believing in myths can take a toll on you, and lower your confidence on achieving your exam score goal.

      ·         Believing in myths can leave you stagnant in your comfort zone, not daring to try to enhance your language competence.
      ·         Myths can lure you and make you believe in false things.
      ·         Believing in myths can take a toll on you, and lower your confidence on achieving your exam score goal.
      ·         Believing in myths can leave you stagnant in your comfort zone, not daring to try to enhance your language competence.

These are just some manifestations of how believing in myths can affect your IELTS training. To aid your test preparation, here are top IELTS myths that you should never believe.

Top IELTS Myths Debunked

      1.       IELTS exam vary per country
False. Although there are two versions of the IELTS exam (Academic and General Training), each version on the same day is the same in every test center in the world.

      2.       Self-study is sufficient in learning about IELTS
False. Although self-studying helps in securing your score goal, it is not enough alone. There are essential discussions during IELTS training that you may not understand on your own, such as the patterns of questions. Hence, it is still significant that you take training programs.

      3.       Western accent is a requirement to ace the IELTS Speaking test
False. Speaking clearly is more important than talking with an accent. Your accent is not a criterion on the Speaking test. Hence, you must focus on your grammar and pronunciation.

     4.       Some examiners are stricter than others
False. All examiners also undergo rigorous training just like students. Keep in mind that all examiners want test-takers to ace the exam. You will be evaluated solely based on your performance on the day.

     5.       Some examiners discriminate test-takers from specific countries
False. Examiners are only tasked to check requirements, such as passports, to see if they are the people they are claiming they are. They do not make judgments about anyone’s nationality. Furthermore, they do not influence visas.

     6.       There is one correct answer in the IELTS Speaking and Writing test
False. These test sections assess test-takers' ability to present ideas and arguments using English. You are in control of your thoughts. The key is to convince the examiner by providing facts and details that support your argument.

     7.       The Speaking section is the most crucial part of the exam
False. All IELTS components have equal bearing on your overall band score. Hence, it is imperative that you do well in each test section.

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"10 Myths about Getting a High Score in Your IELTS Exam." IELTS Learning Tips. May 26, 2016. Accessed January 07, 2018.
Anamariahopartean. "Don’t Be Fooled: 10 Myths About the IELTS Speaking Test." FluentU IELTS Blog. Accessed January 07, 2018.
IELTS Essentials. “Common Myths about the IELTS Test.” Accessed January 07, 2018.
Pell, Christopher. "Top 10 IELTS Misconceptions That Stop People Getting a High Score." Home. September 19, 2017. Accessed January 07, 2018.