As much as you want to make the most out of your IELTS review period, there will always be moments when you cannot bring your training materials and study. Long periods, like those spent stuck in traffic in hour-long commutes, could have been spent more constructively studying for the high-stakes exam.

ielts review

Make every moment of your test preparation count. Study anytime anywhere with whatever material you have on hand with these IELTS review hacks. 

 •    If you have a mobile phone:
Your mobile phone is arguably the most useful review tool you can use—provided that it has your IELTS training essentials. Here are some of the things you can add to your phone that can help you study anytime and anywhere you like.  
    o    eBook versions of your IELTS materials
    o    audio book versions of your IELTS materials
    o    videos explaining complex language concepts
    o    word game apps that challenge your English vocabulary
    o    grammar quiz game apps to test your knowledge

•    If you have a pen and paper:

Write down everything you remember from your last training session at the IELTS review center in Manila. Start with the key points, add supporting details, then cite examples. If you cannot remember the examples that the instructor provided, make your own based on your understanding. You can also:  
    o    create a map explaining how the session’s concepts are related to each other;
    o    jot down points for further research; and
    o    use correct grammar and punctuation when you jot down everything you learned.

•    If you have your IELTS review materials:

Read through your training materials and take note of main points. Jot down your study notes on the margins. Summarize long passages and underline key points. Mark the information that your instructor in your IELTS review center. In Manila, where traffic during the rush hour can be notorious, this can be an especially useful thing to do.

•    If you are in good company:
Teach your companion about a topic that you recently encountered. Sharing what you learned is a great way to measure your understanding of a particular subject. If you can explain everything about that topic comprehensively and answer all your companion’s questions, then it means that you understood it well.

Make the most out of your IELTS preparation period. If your current situation is keeping you away from your studies, learn how to maximize the resources at your disposal. Remember, it is not about the amount of review materials that you have on hand, but how you use them. Use these study hacks wisely to enhance your test performance.


  • Cichowski, Heather. "9 Genius Tips on How to Study with Friends." November 07, 2016. Accessed August 22, 2017.
  • Leyden, Andrea. "40 Uses for Smartphones in School." ExamTime. February 19, 2015. Accessed August 22, 2017.
  • Mildstudies. “How to Study in a Place where You’re Not Supposed to.” Schoollifeandstuff. Schoollifeandstuff. July 21, 2016. Accessed August 22, 2017.