Smiling is your body’s foremost facial reaction to something that makes you happy. The corners of your mouth quirk upward and, depending on how pleased you are, your front teeth may even show.

More than just an expression of amusement, a smile can also reflect confidence and conviction—traits that will certainly give you an edge when taking the IELTS speaking evaluation. Because, while studying with the help of IELTS review online courses or enrolling at JROOZ Review Center can prepare you for the test’s extensive coverage, these training programs can only do so much in preparing you for the IELTS speaking exam.

ielts review

Instructors in JROOZ Review Center, or even in IELTS review online programs, can help you adjust to the interview-type assessment via one-on-one emulations and coaching sessions. They can give you pointers on how to handle the questions, how to structure your impromptu discourse and how to deliver your answers. They cannot, however, dictate how you will act when the pressure to perform well in the high-stakes exam escalates. The simple act of smiling can go a long way in this situation.

Smiling spreads positivity.

Have you ever wondered why you automatically smile back when a person smiles at you?

Studies reveal that seeing a person smiling stimulates a part of the brain that manipulates your facial muscles. Your mind unconsciously mirrors the expression that you see.

Smiling projects confidence.

Moreover, as the world-famous model and actress Marilyn Monroe once said, “A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.”  This statement rings through for both genders. Smiling makes you more approachable, attractive and confident in other people’s perception. These psychological responses will certainly prove advantageous in stressful situations when used effectively. 

Smiling reduces stress.

According to a study, the mere act of smiling, forced or not, can help one de-stress and generate positivity. Your brain does not differentiate its chemical response to a genuine or manipulated smile.  As it associates smiling with happiness, your mind automatically triggers the appropriate bodily response to the act. The brain produces hefty amounts of endorphins, feel-good neurotransmitters that naturally induce feelings of joy and relaxation to your body. Thus, a smile can promote healthy heart rate and decrease stress levels.

The IELTS test can drain your mental and psychological performance. Taking the speaking evaluation after hours of intense exam can definitely exhaust your cognitive abilities. Do not let the assessment pressure get the best of you.

Smiling can boost mood, project confidence and keep the negative effects of stress at bay.   Remember, keeping a level head and a positive mindset are some of the keys to achieving your desired IELTS speaking score.


  • Abrams, Lindsay. “Study: Forcing a Smile Genuinely Decreases Stress.” The Atlantic. July 31, 2012. Accessed February 20, 2017.
  • Riggio, Ronald. “There’s Magic In Your Smile.” Psychology Today. June 25, 2012. Accessed February 20, 2017.
  • Smith, Jennifer. “7 Benefits of Smiling and Laughing that You Didn’t Know about.” Lifehack. Accessed February 20, 2017.
  • Detweiler, Alyssa. “9 Surprising Reasons Why You Should Smile More.” Inspiyr. Accessed February 20, 2017.